Example Tarot Spreads

Whichever spread you choose for me to use, the method for receiving the Tarot is the same. A question must be sought from you to it to the Tarot cards.


Sample special: $10


The question needs to be clear-an ambiguous or unclear question will simply lead to a muddled answer from the cards.

1-Card Spread

The solution is found in the problem.

One card indicates the entire situation-past, present & future.

3-Card Spread

3-Card Spread

This is the simplest spread of all.

The Past

Card 1 represents the past. It indicates the events that have led up to a certain situation. These events have had a direct bearing on the question being asked.

The Present

Card 2 represents the present. This card shows the situation with regard to the question being asked.

The Future

Card 3 represents the future outcome. This is what your present situation is leading up to.

Cat 🐱 People Tarot Deck

Tarot Spreads

The most common spread I use is The Celtic Cross which uses 10 cards and 15 for extended reading.

10 Card Celtic Cross -$125-1-hour


1 – the present moment; where you are right now; the heart of the matter; where things stand.

2 – what crosses you, for good or ill. Position two shows potential obstacles or support.

3 – the foundation of the situation, or the past conditions that have lead to the present.  It’s where you’re coming from. The source.

4 – the recent past or the things that are just starting to move into the background.  The energy of this card may still be lingering but it’s on the way out.

5 – situations on the horizon or what may come into being, the possibilities.  Some people say “this is what crowns you”.  It may reflect where you want to go.

6 – the near future or what is coming/developing from the situation.

7 – the querent (you) at the moment.  This can reflect the querent’s current position – or their current attitude towards the situation.

8 – the environment, surroundings or other influences.  This position can be the home or work environment as well as other people who may be influencing the situation.

9 – the hopes and fears of the querent.  It can also symbolize the shadow work needing to be done.

10 – the outcome or where you’re headed. Once you interpret this card, then you can begin looking at additional spreads or cards to decide on courses of action, especially if the outcome looks unfavorable.

Astrological Wheel Spread -$125 -1hour

The Positions of the Astrological Card Spread

The Astrology Wheel Spread is based on the horoscope wheel.

Each of the thirteen positions of the Astrological Spread has a specific meaning and resides in a House 🏠 The house positions And the zodiac signs are:

1st house-Aries: This position describes the individual. It can show how he or she normally works through difficulties.

2nd House-Taurus: This card refers to the current financial situation and how it relates to the problem. Alternatively, it may concern beliefs or feelings about practical matters, such as money, but not relate directly to finances.

3rd House-Gemini: The card that occupies this position rules all forms of communication. It can indicate how an individual communicates and perhaps even what could be done differently.

4th House-Cancer: This position relates to either the physical or emotional home of the individual. It might describe the need for emotional security, the search for a physical home, or any number of things.

5th House -Leo: This card controls romance, art, and pleasure. It should be read in conjunction with Libra and Capricorn.

6th House-Virgo: This position often indicates health, whether it’s physical, spiritual, emotional, or mental. It can also refer to work, though this card does not deal with a ‘true’ calling.

7th House-Libra: All types of relationships are ruled by this card. This position could refer to romantic or business relationships, or it could refer to simple friendships. The Leo card should be referred to when interpreting this card.

8th House-Scorpio: The card which appears here will likely deal with either an emotional issue or a firm objective. Which it is will be determined by the card itself. Usually, this card refers to some aspect of sex, money, or death.

9th House-Sagittarius: This position indicates education, hope, and changes in attitudes or beliefs.

10th House-Capricorn: This card reveals ambition, drive, and talent. It can also refer to work, but unlike Virgo, this ‘work’ would be more along the lines of a true calling.

11th House-Aquarius: Friends and social groups are rules by this position. This can be what is already present in an individual’s life, or what is hoped for in the future.

12th House-Pisces: This card is ruled by secrets. Hidden hopes and secret fears are revealed here. This card can also indicate blocks or obstacles to success. This is the card of vulnerability.

Final Outcome: This last card indicates the ultimate outcome of the entire situation.

Tree of Life Spread

Tree 🌳 of Life

The Nodes of Tree of Life and Tarot Minor Arcana Numbers

The tree of life tarot card spread contains ten cards each relating to a sphere of life. This is designed to give you an overall view of someone’s current situations and concerns.

Interpreting the positions:

Card 1: Represents the inquirer’s spiritual world,his or her attitude towards it and general inner state of being at the time of reading.

Card 2: Denotes energy,drive and spheres of responsibility.

Card 3: Relates to understanding, and represents limiting or containing factors operating in the inquirer’s life.

Card 4: Represents financial matters and practical activities.

Card 5: Denotes strife,challenges and indicayes what kind of opposition must be overcome by the inquirer.

Card 6: Refers to the inquirer’s achievements,success and outer image.

Card 7: Represents the inquirer’s lovelife, emotional attachments and feelings about this side of life in general.

Tree of Life Formation

Card 8: Denotes worldly matter concerning the inquirer:business and career, cultural and artistic endeavour and indicates how these are appraoched.

Card 9: Represents the unconscious mind and all its secrets and hidden depths. It can also refer to health matters, especially when thhis concern overall well-being.

Card 10: Indicates the inquirer’s roots and denotes home, family and close relationships.