Chakra Balance


My Focus 🧘🏾‍♂️ & Meditation Days

Elements & Numerical Values

Sun-Gold (+1)-Leo-Fire

Moon-Silver (-2)-Cancer-Water

Jupiter-Tin (+3)-Sagittarius-Fire

Uranus-Uranium (4 & 8)-Aquarius-Air

Mercury-Allow of Mercury, silver & tin (-5)-Gemini & Virgo ♍️-Air & Earth

Venus-Copper (+6) Taurus ♉️ & Libra ♎️-Earth & Air

Neptune [Jupiter (-3) ] -Neptunium (7)-Pisces-Water

Saturn-Lead + Plutonium (+8)-Capricorn-Earth

Mars-Iron [+ Plutonium] (+9)-Aries-Fire

Pluto [+Mars]-(8/9)-Scorpio-Water

1. Manipura -Sunday

Solar Plexus-Sun (I Do)

Jordaan strengthening that #solarplexus in hues of Yellow 💛

2. Svadhishtha

Sacral-Moon (I Feel)-Monday

Sensuality, tenderness, spontaneity, healing.

Hues of Orange
#BrittanyKeianna in #Venus🧡

3. Root Chakra-Mars (I Am)


Tarot Cards:

XVI The Tower

Upheaval; The ability to survive; stability

IV-The Emperor

Aggression; Strength

Brightness, confidence, optimism, strength, courage

Ajna –Mercury (I Speak It So)


Tarot Card:

II The High Priestess

Inner reflection; Intuition

Courage, bliss, peace.


Time, restrictions, consequences.


Crown-Jupiter (I Understand)

Hues of Blue & Purple (Indigo)

Creativity & Expression.

Meta Coding:

Proximity: 400 miles

Metal: Tin

Day: Thursday 

Hour: 6/8

Angel energy: Sachiel

◦ I Believe (-)
◦ I See (+)

Chemistry 🧪 
◦ Ammonia and acetylene-causes eventual red color
◦ Great red storm spot in the vortex
◦ Hurricanes 
◦ Backwards-high pressure
◦ Winds are outer vs inner

Significance: 40 day storm/stormy weather

Element: water 💦only

Signs: Pisces ♓️ Sagittarius ♐️ 

Healing: red spot decreasing 

Number: 3

Colors : mauve, violet, purple , lilacs, blue

Compliments: rose, pink, yellow 

Avoid: green, black, grey & dark brown

Hx: Jupiter-planet where greys are trying to make a sun; greys occupy all planets attempting devolution.

◦ Lack of emotions
◦ Depression 
◦ Melancholy 
◦ Frigidity 
◦ Apathy 
◦ Sorrow ☹️ 
◦ Tears 😭 & weeping
◦ Loss of love 🖤 
◦ Peaceful home 💙

◦ Mankind humanitarian kindness, 
◦ charity and generosity 
◦ Compassion 
◦ Sympathy 
◦ Patience
◦ Altruism 
◦ Benevolence 

◦ Alphonsus Liquiri
◦ Martin de porres 

Candle: blue

Heart-Venus (I Love)

Venus 💚


Tarot Card:

X-The Wheel of Fortune

Fate; Destiny

Third Eye-Saturn (I See)

Expansion, illumination, generosity.

The Crown Chakra is about wisdom beyond earthly existence. It is the area of the pineal gland resides which is attached to the top of the spinal cord and brain stem, commonly referred to as the ‘third-eye’.

Violet is the color of Spirituality. Purple represents transformation from a state of being asleep to awakened. This color represents a state spiritual awareness which preceded the physical.

Planets 🪐/Chakras Influences 🧘🏽‍♀️💚🖤💛🤍🧡❤️💙-Key Words

Sun ☀️

◦ Nature of energy

◦ Birth

◦ Man & woman

Moon 🌙

◦ Reflection of energy

◦ Fecundation/fertilization

◦ Animal & material


◦ Benevolence

◦ Experimentation

◦ Mankind


◦ Perfection

◦ Revolution

◦ Change


◦ Reason

◦ Remembrance

◦ Awareness

◦ Vibrations

◦ Currency


◦ Love

◦ Understanding

◦ Time

◦ Deliverance


◦ Wisdom

◦ Knowledge

◦ Delusion

◦ Ignorance

Saturn 🪐 & Pluto

◦ Regeneration

◦ Farseeing

◦ Retribution

◦ Death


◦ Completion

◦ Fire

◦ Strength